How to take care of a piece of jewellery

When you buy a piece of jewellery that is beautiful, shiny and free of scratches, you want to keep it looking new for as long as possible!

Day to day

Here are three tips to prevent damage to your jewellery over the years:

  • Do not sleep with your jewellery on; the pieces may get tangled with one another or you may knock them while sleeping.
  • Stay away from saltwater, as it attacks metals.
  • Take off your jewellery when applying any sort of lotion, since beauty products can dull the shine.

Give your jewellery an overall cleaning

There are different old wives’ techniques for cleaning jewellery on the surface:

  • Soak your jewellery in lukewarm water.
  • Wash your jewellery with hard soap.
  • Clean your jewellery with toothpaste.

Be careful not to make the following mistakes:

  • Rubbing too hard.
  • Using chemicals.
  • Hitting your stones unintentionally (they might crack).
  • Exposing your jewellery to excessive heat.

Tips for silver jewellery

Silver is an especially soft metal. It scratches easily and oxidises quickly, making it look black. Whether your pieces are plated or solid, the techniques to clean them are the same.

  • Lemon juice: the acidity of lemon juice helps remove lime deposits and makes silver shine. Use a soft cloth to rub your jewellery with lemon juice. Then rinse it with water. You can do the same thing with cold ash (from a cigarette or a fireplace).
  • Baking soda: mix a tablespoon of baking soda with water to make a paste. Gently rub your jewellery with the paste and then polish it with a soft cloth.
  • Toothpaste: using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste, gently clean your jewellery. Then rinse it with water and clean it with a soft cloth.
  • Coca-Cola: soak your jewellery in a glass filled with Coca-Cola and then rinse it with clean water.

Tips for gold jewellery

Gold is a soft metal that scratches easily and gets dirty quickly. While it is important to clean it, it is best to avoid using products that are too aggressive. Remember to always rinse your jewellery with water.

Gold is cleaned like silver, i.e., with toothpaste and baking soda.

To wash gold and remove the dirt that tarnishes it, just use dish soap or soapy water. Immerse your gold jewellery in a bowl of hot water and dish soap. Let it sit overnight and then scrub it with a toothbrush. Rinse it well with clean water. This is ideal for removing any oil or grease.

There is also a trick with talcum powder, which can bring back gold’s shine to make it look like new without damaging it. Gently rub your gold jewellery with talcum powder using a soft cloth.

If you have any questions or doubts, talk to a professional. If you want to give your pieces of jewellery a complete facelift, take them to your jeweller.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful holiday season!

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